Datasets published in June - July

In the first two summer months 27 data sets have been published, including data sets published by first-tier state enterprises. Data have been published by such state enterprises as the Latvian State Radio and Television Center and the Latvian State Roads. As the first country on the portal of your data sets portal, has been posted by the Road Transport Directorate.

As is well known, until now, the Directive on the re-use of public sector information only applied to public authorities, but on April 24th, 2018, the European Commission proposed revision of this directive - one of the new directions of the directive could be opening state enterprise data focusing in particular on transport, energy, etc. high-quality data opening


Datasets published in June: 
Institution Dataset
The Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia Publisko personu un iestāžu saraksts
The State Agency of Medicines Zāļu patēriņa statistika
The State Agency of Medicines Farmaceitiskās darbības uzņēmumu reģistrs
Central Election Commission 2014. gada 12.Saeimas vēlēšanu rezultāti un vēlētāju aktivitāte
Central Election Commission 2017. gada republikas pilsētas domes un novada domes vēlēšanu rezultāti un vēlētāju aktivitāte

The State Inspecorate For Protection Of Children's Rights

Bāriņtiesu statistika 2017
The State Regional Development Agency EIS pasūtījumi
State Enterprise of Latvian State Radio and Television Center eParaksts sistēmas atbildētie OCSP pieprasījumi
State Enterprise of Latvian State Radio and Television Center eParaksts sistēmas izsniegtie laika zīmogi
State Enterprise of Latvian State Radio and Television Center eParaksts sistēmas izsniegtie eID karšu sertifikāti
The Rural Support Service  Lauku atbalsta dienesta Lauku reģistra dati par 2016. gadu
The Rural Support Service  Lauku atbalsta dienesta Lauku reģistra dati par 2017. gadu
Datasets published in July: 
Institution Dataset
The Latvian State Roads

Valsts ceļu tīkls


Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Latvia
2017. gada valsts budžets
Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Latvia
2018. gada valsts budžets
Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Latvia
Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu un Kohēzijas fonda 2007. – 2013. gada plānošanas perioda projekti
Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Latvia
Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu un Kohēzijas fonda 2014. – 2020. gada plānošanas perioda projekti
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Tautību klasifikators

State Forest Service

Novadi MK 35.not
Ministry of Agriculture real estate Latvijas melioracijas kadastra informacija
The court administration Nerezidentu darījumi
Procurement Monitoring Bureau NUTS kods
Procurement Monitoring Bureau CPV nomenklatūras klasifikators
State Ltd. Road Transport Administration Pieturvietas. Regional bus stops.
The State Labour Inspectorate  VDI kontatētie pārkāpimi
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Ciemu robežas
The State Labour Inspectorate  Apstiprinātās arodslimības